The Chiefs Podcast by Whiteark

You’re invited to be a guest on our podcast!

Hosted by Jo Hands & James Ciuffetelli, The Chiefs is a weekly Whiteark Podcast all about what makes leaders tick; giving you insight into exactly what makes our great leaders, so great. With organisation’s top chiefs in the hot seat each week, we chat about the highs – and lows – and lessons along the way - tackling some of the biggest issues people are facing now.

If you’d like to be one of our guests, please click the button below - or keep scrolling if you’ve got more questions or would like to have a listen to some recent episodes…




+ What’s the reach, and who listens to The Chiefs?

Having launched in October 2020, we have already reached over 2,000 downloads, a number which is climbing every week. From CEOs to graduates our audience varies, as does the reach – we’ve got people tuning in from the UK to the UAE, US and beyond.

+ Where is The Chiefs aired / shared?

You can find The Chiefs podcast on most podcast apps - from Spotify to Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen. Once Podcast episodes are live, they are also available in video form on the Whiteark YouTube Channel (

+ How do you promote the Podcast?

Once the episode is live, we do promotion through our LinkedIn channels ( and to our Newsletter subscribers ( From custom-made short videos to sharing snippets of audio with our wide-reaching networks, each episode gets a good amount of hype.

+ What is the process?

If you would like to come on the show, the process is simple. Fill out the form (see button above) and a member of our team will be in touch to arrange an interview time that suits you. Interviews are conducted over a recorded Zoom session, which is then sent to our editing team to finesse and create audio magic. In short, all you need to do is show up and share your knowledge - then you can leave the rest to us.

+ Will I know the questions beforehand?

We like our conversations to feel natural and not too scripted, and so we recommend that you do not over-prepare answers. That being said, we will of course share the topics and questions with you ahead of our chat so you can have a think about your answers.

+ What kind of questions do will you ask?

The questions we ask vary from leader to leader, because the intention is to have a discussion that is in relation to your own experience and career to date. Typically, questions are about how you got to where you are, unpacking some of your lessons along the way, advice you may have for other leaders, your thoughts on industry trends you're seeing now - and what you think we may see in the future. Favourite reads, lessons from mentors, funny stories etc…

+ How long will it take / How long are the episodes?

Episodes are between 20-30 mins and so that's how long the conversation will go for.

+ Do I need professional equipment? What do I need to do on my end?

Episodes are conducted (and recorded) via Zoom, so you do not need any professional equipment. If you have a headset or a good microphone that's great - but it's not 100% necessary. All we ask is that you ensure you have a good internet connection and that your laptop / computer has the ability to pick up your voice (sound) well.

+ Can I approve it before it goes live?

If you would like to, of course.

+ Can you remove something I said if I'm not comfortable with it or change my mind?

Of course, almost anything is possible in the editing suite!

+ How do I say yes?

If you are interested in coming on the show, simply click the "Get me on the Podcast" button above and fill out the form. A member of our team will then be in touch soon to book in your slot.

+ I've got more questions, who do I contact?

If you have some more questions about the Pod, please reach out to the team at and we'll be in touch.


Listen to recent episodes