Have you got head in sand?

Have you got head in sand?

Have you got head in sand?

No seriously, have you? 

Whether you like it or not, the world has changed. Priorities have changed, life has changed, the way we work has changed and we are never going back to ‘normal’.  There is no going back, we need to create the new.

 In 2020 when COVID landed, I was as shocked as anyone that I would see something in this in my lifetime (makes me sound old, I know).  But it came into our lives (and hasn’t left) and has changed the way we used to know the world.

 COVID has impacted everyone differently and there is always a bittersweet story to tell.  I can’t complain; I haven’t had anyone I know die of COVID, and I might be a minority.

COVID has created perspective:

I wrote an article last year around perspective. Check article here. I note that perspective normally comes from a bad situation.  So how has COVID created perspective, let’s see:

  • The concept of working in office 5 days a week, has changed

  • The concept or reality of flexible working, has changed..

  • The normalisation of having children in zoom/teams. calls or home while you are working has changed.

  • People are rethinking their careers/jobs and what is important (i.e. the great resignation, war on talent)

  • Employees are demanding more, and with the war on talent they are getting what they are asking for and more.

  • Employers that have a clear EVP are well ahead of the companies that haven’t invested in the people experience side of things.  It’s not a piece of paper or words – it’s reality.

  • Amount of people moving out of the city; to the country or more regional.  This includes people moving out of Melbourne and Sydney to Queensland etc.

  • People got a taste of different life, slower life, easy lifestyle and more time spent with their families.

  • People are looking for a change in lifestyle

 Perspective and change creates opportunity.  So many new jobs, roles, life changes ….how have you created your new.  If you don’t take this opportunity to create your ‘new’ you, you will have missed an opportunity. 

What is your reflection from COVID? How has it changed your life, work or other? 

Employers who are pretending the world hasn’t changed, are in for a significant amount of pain!  Employers need to ensure they pivot to ensure they can attract and retain great talent in this very tight market. 

Proactive approach to culture and employee engagement including flexibility is becoming really critical. 

Article by Jo Hands, Whiteark Founder

Have you got your head in the sand? If yes, this might be the time to sit up and work out what you want/need to do different for personal and work!

At Whiteark, we have been helping our clients with new ways of working, employee engagement activities including role clarities etc.  We have watched our clients embrace the new normal and helped them through the transition. 

If we can help you, reach out for a no obligation chat to Jo Hands on 0459826221, or jo.hands@whiteark.com.au

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