Life's not always fair, but it's sure made me tough...

Life's not always fair, but it's sure made me tough...

When I was a child I was big about justice. I wanted to feel like life was fair. My mother told me that life wasn't fair and I thought that was crap. As I grew up I realised that she was right - life is not fair. Everyone has their challenges, battles and hard times, you are not alone. People want to be perceived as having their life together but no one really does, let's be honest.

The hard times is where I've learnt so much, I've grown, I've backed myself, I've realised how strong I really am. I want to make a difference to people. I love people - I love my team, people I meet, I want people to be successful and I genuinely want the best for people.

I'm good at business, it gets me out of bed in the morning with a spring. I love helping people get the most out of their business. There is so much opportunities to drive better outcomes in business - I see it and I want to help people.

Making a difference isn't easy - there are a lot of people telling you why it's not possible, it's not good enough. Experience tells me to trust my gut. Embrace and push through the change as the outcome will be better they just can't see it. I'm confident in my ability and I'll admit when I'm wrong but I will not stop striving for great.

For people that know me well, I'm an open book, someone who cares so deeply, someone who loves to make a difference and I have a genuine love of people and business optimisation.

Life isn't fair. Life isn't kind. But everyone has their journey that has shaped them and so embrace the imperfections and make the best of your life.

🙃 Smile - lean in - no regrets.

💜 Embrace life and make the best of everyday. Be kind to you - you're only human and you're enough.

🌈 Be kind - you don't know peoples journey and kindness is overrated.

Curious? Want to know more about my experience? Click here.

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Fuelled by passion, we revel in working with Private Equity; the pace, targeted focus on business optimisation and limited timeframes spark unforeseen transformation opportunities, which we’re excited to deliver on. Our approach is rooted in data, ensuring the right decisions are made – based on accurate information. Hands-on, we get into the trenches with you, working directly with the management team to realise outcomes expected by shareholders. We offer a range of transformation services which can be tailored to suit standard private equity options; always accompanied by a laser focus on profit optimisation of the business.

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Article by Jo Hands, Co-Founder Whiteark

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