Change is inevitable. If you stay still, change will occur around you.
You know deep down you have to change, you plan the change however execution fails. More than 80% of projects fail to make the proposed change.
Make worthwhile and lasting change in your business that inspires people, delivers results and improves systems.
All tagged CHANGE
Change is inevitable. If you stay still, change will occur around you.
You know deep down you have to change, you plan the change however execution fails. More than 80% of projects fail to make the proposed change.
Why companies fail at executing change?
And what you can do about it….
Yes, it’s harsh but the data doesn’t lie. More than 80% of projects don’t deliver. That’s a terrible statistic.
Think about how many money businesses spend on projects & the projects don’t deliver….hmmm if only something could be done.
❝ Change is hard at first, messy in the middle, and gorgeous at the end❞
- Robin Sharma -
Love this quote on change. It’s a good reminder that change is hard. That is why people are good at change