The 4 Rs - Reflections & considerations as the year closes out

The 4 Rs - Reflections & considerations as the year closes out

It's been a tough year for many -- and people are limping to the finish line. It's time for a break and get yourself ready for 2021.

2021 is going to be another busy year so getting yourself refreshed and ready is critical and taking the time to relax, refresh reflect and reset is critical.

Christmas is generally crazy eating, parties and a lot of people to connect with. It's fun but can leave us feeling more tired.


What makes you relax? Everyone is different. For me going for a walk, writing in my journal and doing a jigsaw puzzle all are things that help me relax.


Taking time for yourself. Sleep, exercise and eating healthy are a good start! What's does refreshing look like for you?


In the craziness of the year it's hard to really reflect - what worked well this year, what are my priorities for next year and what do o need to change to make this a reality?


Be bold. Make sure you make the change to ensure you achieve your priorities. It's not easy - and it's normally outside your comfort zone so be accountable to drive through outcome.

Reset for 2021

Ensuring you take the time on the 4Rs is critical to ensure you are refreshed for 2021. These 4 Rs are critical for you personally but also for your business, especially the last two.

Reflect - On key lessons learnt for the year (2020) in your business and team. What worked well? What could be improved?

Reset - What are the priorities for 2021? What changes are required to deliver these? How do we measure success across the year?

For most businesses 2020 has been a challenging year, it's imperative that they start 2021 with the following:

  • Alignment and clarity on what good looks like - reset priorities, measuring success and understanding the impact of changing consumer and customer trends

  • Transitioning the team back to the office - it's an interesting challenge

  • Assessing capability in the business - what is missing and focus on development and recruitment

Many organizations are organising planning sessions with leadership in new year to align. It’s an excellent idea to get this alignment underway early in the new year.

Over the Christmas break Whiteark will continue to give you podcasts, thought leadership and thought provoking polls to help you through your 4 Rs and get your head focused on returning back to the new year with a good reset.

Whiteark has extensive experience in resetting strategy, defining priorities and identifying and measuring key success metrics. If you need some help reach out to us.

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The New War For Talent - Get Ready in 2021

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