What do I want to do when I grow up??

What do I want to do when I grow up??

In year 9, we needed to work out what we wanted to be when we grew up to pick our majors / subjects that determined our chance to get into 'the' university course.  We were just kids and let's be honest, we didn’t know. Some still don’t know today.

I'm generation X, so considered extremely loyal which explains my first 10+ years of my career.  I chose accounting because I loved my accounting teacher at school, she encouraged me, and I just ‘got’ it.

When I finished high school, I took an intern role at an accounting firm for 13k a year. I learnt how to be an auditor. Went to University, and got my first role with Arthur Andersen (that later became EY) the first year, 2002.

My 9 years at EY taught me:

  • How to work hard

  • How to problem solve 

  • Teamwork 

  • Accountability 

  • Client service 

  • Industry experience 

  • Ability to work on number of assignments 

I worked out I didn't want to be partner and I wanted to really drive an outcome in business, so I left EY to join Telstra. I loved my experience at Telstra which then led to private equity experience. 

I love working with private equity because:

  • I love the speed 

  • I love the focus on activity 

  • I love the simplification on priorities 

  • Measuring success 

  • Holding people accountable 

My career has now changed to running my own business, which has been an amazing experience. The ability to not have a boss, being accountable to yourself and your business partner - and being able to make a difference to businesses and people. 

I never knew I was going to do my own business or be as successful or enjoy it this much - but it's the depth and breadth of experience that has made it possible. 

Your career path is not linear, take the experience, work hard, learn from good people and enjoy yourself, life's too short. 

It's ok if you don't know what you want to do, but take a chance, risk, get experience and don’t forget to have a little fun. 

Curious? Want to know more about my experience? Click here.

Leaders in Private Equity.

Fuelled by passion, we revel in working with Private Equity; the pace, targeted focus on business optimisation and limited timeframes spark unforeseen transformation opportunities, which we’re excited to deliver on. Our approach is rooted in data, ensuring the right decisions are made – based on accurate information. Hands-on, we get into the trenches with you, working directly with the management team to realise outcomes expected by shareholders. We offer a range of transformation services which can be tailored to suit standard private equity options; always accompanied by a laser focus on profit optimisation of the business.

Reach out for a no obligation conversation on how we can help you. Contact us on whiteark@whiteark.com.au

Article by Jo Hands, Co-Founder Whiteark

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