What does International Women’s Day mean to me?

What does International Women’s Day mean to me?

IWD 2021 — #ChooseToChallenge

Article by Jo Hands, Whiteark Co-Founder & Director

A challenged world is an alert world. Individually, we're all responsible for our own thoughts and actions - all day, every day. We can all choose to challenge and call out gender bias and inequality. We can all choose to seek out and celebrate women's achievements. Collectively, we can all help create an inclusive world.

From challenge comes change, so let's all choose to challenge.

Why I'm personally passionate about supporting women…

As a female Executive/Co-founder I'm super passionate about supporting other women in their leadership journey.  From my experiences, mistakes and successes I love to provide career and life advice / lessons to other women and support them on their journey.

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It’s great to have the opportunity to give back, and here are some of the ways I choose to use my time – and influence – to lift other women up.

  • Being part the SheEO activator community

  • An active Business Chicks business club member

  • Promoting women on our podcast The Chiefs, giving them the mic to share their own experiences, wisdom and learnings.

  • Partnering our business Whiteark with Femeconomy

  • Working with some amazing female leaders in senior roles across industry

  • Mentoring and leading a bench and teams of >50% women with flexible working arrangements

  • *In Progress* We are planning initiatives with a focus on junior business chicks to get practical experience in business at a younger age. Stay tuned…


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A time for reflection…

Take a moment to ask yourself:

  • Who has supported you in your leadership journey? Take the time to thank them.

  • How are you giving back?

  • How can you lean in to #ChooseToChallenge in FY21 - what commitment are you going to make?

  • Thank women in your network that support, challenge, encourage and inspire you to challenge every day

The most important thing one woman can do for another is expand her sense of actual possibilities.
— Adrienne Rich

Find out more here or reach out to the team on whiteark@whiteark.com.au for a chat.

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