Whiteark Aspirations For 2021

Whiteark Aspirations For 2021

We are super excited about 2021.

The next year is going to be a very important year for companies:

  1. To understand the new environment

  2. To pivot strategy and business plans

  3. To engage with their employees and transition back to the office with a new world of managing flexibility

At Whiteark our aspirations for 2021 are to:

  1. Continue to provide support to our amazing clients to successfully navigate and maximise outcomes for 2021

  2. To continue to build out our bench of experienced, passionate individuals to support our clients - we are always on the hunt for talent

  3. Continue to provide relevant and insightful thought leadership to continue to challenge and make people think differently - we listen and respond through polls, surveys and through our podcast series

  4. Launch a series of face to face events with boardroom conversations and key note speakers to support and challenge our customer and follower base to think differently in Melbourne and Sydney

  5. Our podcast series will continue with a focus on hearing from experienced leaders on what makes them tick and key lessons they can share with us about their journey and provide you themes, lessons and easy to digest learnings and takeaways

  6. For us it's always what is next - we always want to think ahead… stay tuned to hear about our partnership with Universities, focused on helping students get practical experience with companies and work towards securing a job during this competitive environment. Whiteark is well positioned to help students with this transition – more to come in the new year!

2021 magic

For us at Whiteark we always strive to do better for our clients, followers and our bench. We focus every day on how we can make a difference. We can't wait to continue to challenge, support and encourage businesses to make positive change in 2021 to set their businesses up for success.

While you're on the beach we will provide you articles, podcasts, quotes and thought-provoking polls to keep your brain ticking over -- summer holidays best time for thinking about how to reset your business for 2021 - no idea is a bad idea. We would love to help you so contact us for a no obligation conversation.

If you want to hear some insights from key leaders, listen to our podcast series The Chiefs Podcast | Leadership, Laughs and Learning — Whiteark

Psst. We share exciting content all the time, that’s useful, practical - and most of all - helpful. Sign Up Here to get yourself on the list and make sure you don’t miss a thing.

Seven Days Until Christmas

Seven Days Until Christmas

Christmas Reflections & Message from Jo

Christmas Reflections & Message from Jo