All in M&A

Guide to Successful Integration

Getting the integration right is critical to ensure that the business has a ground footing to accelerate the integration benefits of the merged business.

Alignment at the Executive level will be a critical step in ensuring that the integration is clear.

A large part of the integration is about people and communication. That is, taking people on the journey so they understand what the plan is, why we are driving each activity and how they can be involved.

Driving value creation

Jo Hands writes all about driving value creation. Value creation is a word that’s used a lot, but what does it mean? Creating value - customer, consumer and financial. When a company buys a business, they focus on value creation. The business case assumes that there is value to create. This value can be created by pulling either strategic or operational levers.

M&A Trends and Insights

The economic impact of COVID-19 has led to a material decline in M&A activity globally, including Australia. As a result, we have seen fewer transactions and according to Refinitiv (formerly Thomson Reuters), worldwide M&A activity totaled US$1.2 trillion during H1 of 2020, a drop of 41% compared to a year ago and the slowest opening six-month period since 2013. M&A activity abroad appears to have rebounded to some degree since the end of June 2020, presumably as economies have started to reopen.