It’s time to simplify

It’s time to simplify

There are a lot of reasons to simplify but why don't companies do it? Because it's hard work. It takes time, money, effort and a lot of change. It's never too late to start and I suggest you make 2021 the year.

Companies have grown too complicated and it results in:

•  Customer dissatisfaction
•  Errors in reporting
•  Lack of good commercial decisions
•  Higher costs
•  Poor management of cash

•  Higher prices
•  Longer lead times to deliver
•  Lack of problem management
•  No accountability
•  Too many people


Companies need to simplify to:

•  More effective
•  Improve the timeliness of data for decision making
•  Improve your competitive advantage

•  Be more price competitive
•  Improve customer experience
•  More efficient


Key considerations to simplify;

•    Less executives

•    Clearer accountability for process and outcomes at the Executive level and clear delegations

•    Black belts to undertake process reviews from end to end and identify areas of waste and the key metrics to focus on to drive process improvement

•    Streamline systems and transition everything to the cloud

•    Determine your outsource strategy - what you want to own v outsource

•    Vendor consolidation to drive savings

•    Create one centralised data hub where all reporting and information is stored as the source of truth


Create some momentum in the organisation to simplify - give the executives and leaders the challenge of identifying areas that the company can simplify and put a program of work together to drive change and promote continuous improvement. Be structured and be clear on mandate. Remember, what gets measured gets done.

It’s like doing a spring clean of your cupboards - there is some therapeutic and liberating about it and you find the piece to the puzzle that’s been missing. Imagine how you’ll feel when you simplify your organisation - there will never be the perfect time - so decide today to start the process of simplification.

Looking to simplify the structure and set-up of your organisation? Let us help.

If you need assistance, please reach out to Whiteark as we have extensive experience in simplification programs focused on improving the financial performance of companies, we would be happy to help. Our co-founders have a combined experience of over 50 years’ working as Executives in organisations delivering outcomes for shareholders. Reach out for a no obligation conversation on how we can help you. Contact us on

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