All tagged Data Analytics


Jo Hands is talking all about data. Every organisation has it in abundance, but not many companies have it organised and streamlined to drive meaningful outcomes. It's a shame. Data is powerful - data that has been analysed with other variables is powerful. And data can tell you the why - data can tell you why or get you to understand the trend.

Digital Transformation: Part 2

Pete Crawford writes for Whiteark about Digital Transformation. This is Part 2 of 2 in depth articles. Digital transformation execution depends on cultural change. Just as the approach to digital transformation requires a strategic, cross-functional and customer-focused mindset – rather than a focus on technological outputs – the success of execution depends on embracing new orientations…

The challenge has been laid to develop a Supply Chain Strategy that supports Australia’s renewed obsession with lifestyle

Matthew Webber writes about the challenge has been laid to develop a Supply Chain Strategy that supports Australia’s renewed obsession with lifestyle. The way that we buy, move and sell Is shifting in seismic proportions. We have had all the indicators within our radar for some – the uptake of ecommerce as a legitimate and safe platform for retail shopping, geo political trade wars playing out between large, industrialised nations and emerging nations along with increase consumer insistence on visibility and ethical sourcing practices.

M&A Trends and Insights

The economic impact of COVID-19 has led to a material decline in M&A activity globally, including Australia. As a result, we have seen fewer transactions and according to Refinitiv (formerly Thomson Reuters), worldwide M&A activity totaled US$1.2 trillion during H1 of 2020, a drop of 41% compared to a year ago and the slowest opening six-month period since 2013. M&A activity abroad appears to have rebounded to some degree since the end of June 2020, presumably as economies have started to reopen.

Supply Chain Transformation Leadership in Action

Matthew Webber writes about Supply Chain Transformation leadership in action. One of the key attributes for any prosperous supply chain of the modern era is to have the ability to adapt and respond. We can design our supply chains structurally, and technically, to deliver on this outcome, however we do have to move our supply chains from where they are today, to where they need to be in the future. We need to do that through leading our people, our partners and our communities in which we operate.

Competitive advantage is now shifting to the Supply Chain

Matthew Webber writes about how competitive advantage is now shifting to the Supply Chain. We are living in very uncertain times, driven by the various disruptions that are playing out in front of our very eyes. The level of disruption is often overwhelming, and the certainty, safety and security of our supply chains are under threat. It will be those organisations that can bring a level of consistency and reliability in their supply chains that will...

Governing Data

Pete Crawford writes for Whiteark about governing data - moving from principles to practice. Let’s face it, data governance has a reputation of being a worthy, essential, but staid topic – a necessary prop underpinning aggressive innovative strategies or new analytic frontiers such as automated decision platforms powered by Deep Learning models.

Structuring Data Teams

How data teams organise themselves and evolve their operating model directly dictates the speed and success in delivering clearly defined value. There is often ambiguity associated over team roles – especially as tasks change in response to technology services that accelerate the ability to automate, collaborate and experiment.

Data Team Integration Models

Pete Crawford writes for Whiteark about positioning your data and analytics within your organisation. Regardless of whether a data team is comprised of two, 20 or 100 people its ability to produce actionable insights and outcomes is heavily compromised if capabilities are not aligned to business needs.

Retail Transformation in Disruptive Times

Matthew Webber writes about retail transformation in disruptive times. It is both confronting and somewhat depressing to turn the pages (physically or digitally) of a newspaper to see yet another retailer fall victim to the economic climate. There is nothing nice about an empty shop front, the loss of jobs or the withdrawal of an important community institution.

Treating Data as a Product

Pete Crawford writes for Whiteark about how we should be treating data as a product. He explains, even prior to COVID, the development of mature data and analytics capabilities was regarded by over 75% of organisations as a ‘mission-critical function’ as central as IT, HR and finance units. Now, there is even greater urgency to formalise data as a cornerstone of digital transformation.

Rethinking your Global Supply Chain

Matthew Webber writes about rethinking our Global Supply Chains. The world as we know it has changed. The speed, the relationships, the priorities, the tastes. We can access information, goods and services quicker than ever – and our environments politically, environmentally and structurally seem more volatile than ever before. And this is before we even get to the great awakener in COVID -19.