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Jo Hands is talking perspective. She explains “There are things in life that result in an increase in perspective. It's normally something unpleasant. So it takes some unpleasant to happen to you or someone you love to create perspective. The perspective needs to be strong enough to drive a change in behaviour. The perspective needs to be consistent / enduring enough to make long term sustainable change.”

Leadership – your legacy

Jo Hands writes about leadership - and creating your legacy. It doesn’t mean you are old – legacy. What leadership legacy do you want to leave? What kind of leader you do want to be? What do you want to be remembered for? When I think about Legacy I think about leaders that I have had in my career. Which ones have inspired me and which one disappointed me.

8 Key lessons we have learnt from launching our own podcast

Jo Hands unpacks the lessons learnt from starting the Whiteark Podcast - The Chiefs. We have interviewed a range of leaders; young, older, CEO, Executive, owning and running their own business. Each leaders provided so many great tips and lessons around their leadership journey. It’s very inspiring.