
There are certain things in life that result in an increase in perspective. It's normally something unpleasant.

So does it take something unpleasant to happen to you or someone you love in order to create perspective? Perhaps. 

The reality is, your newfound perspective needs to be strong enough to drive a change in behaviour. And this newfound behaviour must be consistent and enduring in order to make long term sustainable change. 

Ask yourself:

  • What things in your life have given you perspective? 

  • Has it resulted in a behaviour change, and if yes, for how long?   

Our recent shared experience of Covid19 has given everyone perspective (in differing degrees) which has resulted in behavioural changes throughout society.

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These ideas have been taken from our podcast episode with Bernard Salt about Building A Better Australia (EP016). 🎧 Tune in to 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐞𝐟𝐬 🎧

Let’s explore some emerging thoughts as a result of altered perspectives:

  • People are considering career changes

  • People are thinking differently about work - and what flexibility means to them

  • People are reconsidering overseas trips and business trips 

  • People are considering where they live 

  • People are considering how they spend there money 

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These ideas have been taken from our podcast episode with Bernard Salt about Building A Better Australia (EP016). 🎧 Tune in to 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐞𝐟𝐬 🎧

This disruption has triggered major changes in the way people think and operate, and has resulted in a number of trends:

  • A push for flexibility or people are changing jobs 

  • Remote working: Living regionally,  working CBD 

  • People changing jobs with a major challenge around War On Talent

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These ideas have been taken from our podcast episode with Bernard Salt about Building A Better Australia (EP016). 🎧 Tune in to 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐞𝐟𝐬 🎧

So, what does this mean for organisations and leaders?

  • Acquiring and retaining talent is more difficult 

  • Policies around flexibility are critical 

  • Building connection with team members will result in better retention 

  • Leaders need to tweak their style as a result of hybrid working and find something that works for teams and organisation

  • Executives need to proactively manage their people - creating a great place to work, with flexibility and opportunity and ensure attract and retain top talent . Having a clear people plan and communications will be critical

  • Building a way to measure productive work is really important that moves from hours to time to be productive 

Leaders need to pivot to be relevant, right now.  How are you pivoting your style to be relevant?

Need some inspiration? Reach out to us for a no obligation conversation today.

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Whiteark is not your average consulting firm, we have first-hand experience in delivering transformation programs for private equity and other organisations with a focus on people just as much as financial outcomes.

We understand that execution is the hardest part, and so we roll our sleeves up and work with you to ensure we can deliver the required outcomes for the business. Our co-founders have a combined experience of over 50 years’ working as Executives in organisations delivering outcomes for shareholders. Reach out for a no obligation conversation on how we can help you. Contact us on

Article by Jo Hands, Co-Founder Whiteark



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