How to effectively navigate change...

How to effectively navigate change...

Change isn't easy. Most people resist it. Most people find a way or an excuse not to change. It's human nature. 

But change is inevitable and for high performing companies a must. So as a leader you need to determine how to navigate change…

Five key tips:

  1. Make a case for change - the 'why'

  2. Get Executive buy-in / sponsorship 

  3. Build a champion network to drive change 

  4. Set goals and measure success 

  5. Communicate, communicate, communicate 

When you start change program, you will have naysayers - people who say it's not going to work, we have tried this before, it's not worth the effort. You need to push through and show them all you can make change - showing activity and outcome is critical. 

The culture of an organisation will determine how hard it is to drive change - and therefore doing some change around culture is critical.

There are so many things you can do to drive culture improvement but the most important is to have the right leaders. If you don't have the right leadership team, you will likely fail - and so your job is to get the right people in your team to run and manage the teams.

Change is required  - having a team that proactively manages change will give you the best outcome. 

Be bold, ignore the naysayers and make change.

Browse more articles about change and transformation.

Need support in your organisation? Reach out.

Whiteark is not your average consulting firm, we have first-hand experience in delivering transformation programs for private equity and other organisations with a focus on people just as much as financial outcomes.

We understand that execution is the hardest part, and so we roll our sleeves up and work with you to ensure we can deliver the required outcomes for the business. Our co-founders have a combined experience of over 50 years’ working as Executives in organisations delivering outcomes for shareholders. Reach out for a no obligation conversation on how we can help you. Contact us on

Article by Jo Hands, Co-Founder Whiteark

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