Am I getting old, does it matter?

Am I getting old, does it matter?

I know I am getting older, every day, every year but am I getting old. This Christmas break has me thinking, am I old?

It’s all relative. I expect as when I was 10, and someone was 44 I would have said yes, however 44 probably isn’t old.

I looked up the definition of old; having lived for a long time; no longer young. And so, I looked up the definition of young; having lived or existed for only a short time. I decided that there must be something on a scale between young and old and I am sitting there, not sure what it is called, I am not young, and I am not old.

I do feel old sometimes when I go to hospital and the people looking after you look like 15/16, or you go to restaurant and the waiter tells you he is 19/20 and you think wow, I remember when I was 19/20…it feels like a long time ago. So relatively I am old compared to these people, but not sure that makes me old.

I always test out – you want to be 20, 30 again? And I reflect and think no, I’ve done that time in my life and I am where I am from those experiences so going back doesn’t sound like a plan.

However, I don’t think I want to keep getting older. Not that I can do anything about it.

If I have a working time machine, I would go back and make some changes to my experiences and life, but since that is unlikely to be possible I try not to dwell on the past and focus in on the future. How do Imake my future amazing.?

If you like big bang, you have to watch that episode.

I start to think that I am likely halfway through my life, if lucky. Therefore, need to make the most of it.

  • Having things to look forward to.

  • Doing things you love at work and during your personal time.

  • Make a difference to people’s live, every day.

  • So, as I get older, not old. Being extra careful with my energy, time, and investment to ensure it brings me joy, contributes to my life goals and ensures that I am living my best life.

It probably doesn’t matter if I’m old or young, but I don’t think I’m either. It’s just a label.

The new year brings some reflection and 2023 will bring much joy for me and my crew and an ability to make a difference, every day.

PS: I did some more searching and I am middle age…. it’s a large bucket from 40-60. So I really think there needs to be a split and rebranding.

How about you? Do you feel old or young? Given a chance, would you go back and change the past?

If we can help you, reach out for a no obligation chat to Jo Hands on 0459826221, or

Article by Jo Hands, Whiteark Founder

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