Household Consumption

Household Consumption

Covid Impact Report

Household Consumption

Covid-19 has caused household saving ratios to hit heights not seen since the early 1970s.



Household Consumption Spending:

Household Consumption Spending

50% of households expect to have less income available after meeting commitments.

Disposable income expectations in a year from now:

  • Increase: 17%

  • Decrease: 50%

  • Remain the Same: 25%

  • Unsure: 8%

Household disposable income outlook…

  • Employment is increasing as pandemic restrictions ease

  • Population growth has slowed from 1.5% to 0.5% - less people receiving income than previously expected

  • Wages growth has slowed from a low 2.2% to 1.8% and may decline further given the weak labour market

  • Federal income support will be progressively reduced over the next six months

  • Interest payments on savings have declined and so have share market dividends

Household Consumption Expenditure Outlook

  • Household consumption expenditure growth will improve slowly as more spending options

    become available

  • Weak income growth will constrain the rate of growth, although a build up of savings is likely

    to reduce slowly and support spending to some degree

  • In annual growth terms, spending will likely still be in decline over the September, December,

    and March 2021 quarters

  • Underlying growth will then settle at around 3.5% to 4%, which is similar to the growth rate

    before the pandemic

  • Pessimistic estimate of underlying growth in consumer spending is 1.5% to 2% and optimistic

    estimate is 5% to 6%. The optimistic estimate is still below the pre-GFC growth rate of 5% to 9%

*Data Source: Foreseechange, Charlie Nelson

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